Reflexer Ungovernance Token

Reflexer Ungovernance Token (FLX)

$132,005 USD

Total airdropped


Total Recipients

Who was eligible?

Any Ethereum wallet which has done one of the following before April 13, 2021:

  • 30 FLX for every address that interacted with the PRAI mainnet beta. Includes Safe Owner LPs, RAI traders on Uniswap. From the deployment of PRAI until it global settlement on Jan-25-2021 12:43:21 PM UTC (Block 11724918)
  • 668 FLX per day to RAI/ETH Uniswap LPs pro rata to their LP token balance. From Feb-17-2021 1:50 PM UTC until Feb-20-2021 10:25 PM UTC
  • 668 FLX per day. Half to RAI/ETH Uniswap LPs pro rata to their LP token balance and the other half for RAI minters pro rata to their debt. From Feb-20-2021 10:25 PM UTC Until Feb-26-2021 1:50 PM UTC
  • 668 FLX per day. 668 FLX per day to RAI/ETH Uniswap LPs pro rata to their LP token balance. From Feb-26-2021 1:50 PM UTC Until March-8-2021 1:50 PM UTC
  • 668 FLX per day to RAI/ETH LPs on Uniswap that also minted RAI. From March-8-2021 1:50 PM UTC Until April-13-2021 12:50 PM UTC
  • 25 FLX per day to RAI borrowers pro rata to the borrow amount. From March 31-2021 12:50 PM UTC Until April-7-2021 12:50 UTC
  • 15 FLX per day to RAI borrowers pro rata to the borrow amount. From April-7-2021 12:50 UTC Until April-13-2021 12:50 UTC.
  • 1 FLX reward for each address that kept a safe open with more than zero debt for at least a week cumulated. From Feb-13-2021 (Initial deployment of the system) Until April-13-2021 12:50 UTC

How many tokens per wallet?

The quantity of tokens distributed varies widely. If you were a power-user, you were rewarded with a larger quantity.

Snapshot date

April 13, 2021

Airdrop Ended

July 8, 2021

Current Average worth


Average airdrop size

11.7 FLX

How to Claim

  1. Unfortunately this airdrop is already expired
  2. Subscribe to Earnifi and make sure you never miss out on an airdrop again!