Reflexer Ungovernance Token (FLX)
Total airdropped
Total Recipients
Who was eligible?
Any Ethereum wallet which has done one of the following before April 13, 2021:
- 30 FLX for every address that interacted with the PRAI mainnet beta. Includes Safe Owner LPs, RAI traders on Uniswap. From the deployment of PRAI until it global settlement on Jan-25-2021 12:43:21 PM UTC (Block 11724918)
- 668 FLX per day to RAI/ETH Uniswap LPs pro rata to their LP token balance. From Feb-17-2021 1:50 PM UTC until Feb-20-2021 10:25 PM UTC
- 668 FLX per day. Half to RAI/ETH Uniswap LPs pro rata to their LP token balance and the other half for RAI minters pro rata to their debt. From Feb-20-2021 10:25 PM UTC Until Feb-26-2021 1:50 PM UTC
- 668 FLX per day. 668 FLX per day to RAI/ETH Uniswap LPs pro rata to their LP token balance. From Feb-26-2021 1:50 PM UTC Until March-8-2021 1:50 PM UTC
- 668 FLX per day to RAI/ETH LPs on Uniswap that also minted RAI. From March-8-2021 1:50 PM UTC Until April-13-2021 12:50 PM UTC
- 25 FLX per day to RAI borrowers pro rata to the borrow amount. From March 31-2021 12:50 PM UTC Until April-7-2021 12:50 UTC
- 15 FLX per day to RAI borrowers pro rata to the borrow amount. From April-7-2021 12:50 UTC Until April-13-2021 12:50 UTC.
- 1 FLX reward for each address that kept a safe open with more than zero debt for at least a week cumulated. From Feb-13-2021 (Initial deployment of the system) Until April-13-2021 12:50 UTC
How many tokens per wallet?
The quantity of tokens distributed varies widely. If you were a power-user, you were rewarded with a larger quantity.
Snapshot date
April 13, 2021
Airdrop Ended
July 8, 2021
Current Average worth
Average airdrop size
11.7 FLX
How to Claim
- Unfortunately this airdrop is already expired
- Subscribe to Earnifi and make sure you never miss out on an airdrop again!